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       Launching The Evolved Leadership Podcast!


16th July, 2021


















I’m delighted to announce the imminent launch of the Evolved Leadership podcast. This will be a fortnightly series of interviews with business owners and executives who not only run successful organisations, but also genuinely make the world a better place in a tangible way, at scale.


Our upcoming guests to launch the project include:


  • Will Davies, CEO and Founder of Car Next Door, a car-sharing company founded with a vision to reduce environmental emissions through efficient car-sharing services with a similar model to Airbnb. Car Next Door was recently acquired by Uber, with the founders staying on to continue to work in the business.

  • Brian Keen, CEO and Founder of Franchise Simply, a franchise company providing expert consulting services and programs to business owners wanting to franchise their core business. The founders of Franchise Simply, Brian and Prue Keen, also run Microloan Foundation Australia, a microfinance charity that donates microloans to women in sub-Saharan Africa. To date through their Foundation they have helped over 340,000 women break free from cycles of effective slavery.

  • Tim Munden, Global Chief Learning Officer at Unilever, the giant British multinational consumer goods company. Tim has been a champion of transformational leadership through his 28 years with Unilever, running leadership development programs that encourage leaders to embrace a leadership model that helps people to be more human at work, as well as meeting the needs of the complex, fast-moving and disruptive 21st century leadership landscape. Additionally, Tim has also spent a good deal of time in the last couple of decades running programs in transformational leadership for young people around the globe through an international youth leadership charity that he was instrumental in founding in the early 2000s.


The launch of the Evolved Leadership podcast is part of The Evolved Leadership Project, a research study being conducted by McDermott Coaching to demonstrate that organisational leadership that focuses on service to humanity as well as making a profit leads to far more favourable outcomes for all stakeholders. The study will involve interviews with 100 leaders from a diverse range of backgrounds and organisational contexts.


We will be speaking with owners of small and medium-size businesses, as well as executives from large companies, not-for-profits and government departments. The leaders we interview will be a diverse representation of both Australian as well as international organisations.


So stay tuned for the announcement of our first episode going live in the near future. In the meantime check out our meditation series for leaders, designed to help you lead with greater balance, calm and presence. Access the series here.


In evolution,





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