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No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team."


Reid Hoffman, Co-Founder & Executive Chairman, LinkedIn



Our corporate training programs are for organisations that want to create better engagement and higher performance from their teams, encourage an organisational culture of taking ownership and responsibility rather than victim-thinking, and develop and refine an organisational strategy that is inspirational, meaningful, and actionable. 


We draw on over two decades of coaching and facilitation experience in the Australian private, public, and not-for-profit sectors to bring you intensive workshop experiences that create lasting impact. 


Click here to enquire about our programs. 


Each offering is tailored to suit the needs of your organisation. Our corporate training programs are described below. 





A training day for organisations that want to create better engagement and higher performance from their teams. 


Would you like to see your team members come to work with a smile on their face and clear enthusiasm for their role?


Only a leader who understands the key leadership styles can create a group of committed team members who love giving their time and energy to the work they do in your organisation. 


This training day focuses on training your leadership team in the ancient art of engaging teams around a vision and the strategy needed to make that vision a reality, as well as teaching the skills to have your team members motivated and performing at their best. 


To enquire about our High-Performing Teams training, click here





A half-day of training for a select group of your senior leaders, focused on developing the kind of gravitas and presence that executive leadership requires. 


Presence is not entirely something that can be taught. Some people are born naturally with a great deal of presence, whereas others have to work on it. 


Wherever you are on the journey of building your own presence as a leader, the good news is there are a range of strategies and tools you can draw on to become more deeply present and effective in your role. 


To enquire about our Executive Presence training, click here





A two day conversation to support your leadership team in developing and refining an organisational strategy that is inspirational, meaningful, and actionable. When organisations create strategic plans, often the resulting document is no more than a vision statement, lacking the essential components of a true strategy. 


A strategic conversation needs to answer four questions: Where are we now? Where do we want to be? What are our big ideas for how to get there? What will we actually do?


You will be guided by one of our experienced and skilled strategic conversation facilitators through an intensive two day process, where you and your leadership team will create a powerful strategy for your organisation.  


You will receive a thorough synthesis following the conversation, including our “Strategy On A Page”, which summarises the strategy in a form that you are able to communicate to all your stakeholders swiftly and effectively. 


To learn more about our Strategic Conversation services, click here



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